We will


We will always be by and have each other’s back
whether near or far.

For what we share together,
the bond will always be!

Many will come and go
but a place in my heart you will always reside.

To those loved and always will be.

You know who you are ❤

Kimber Michaela 2013

Do I

Do I Deserve!
to be loved and cherished.
to take passion to new heights.
to laugh and be silly.
to feel part of something.
to feel sexy when he looks my way.
to have a future and happiness.
to feel complete.
Do I deserve Him
and all he makes me feel.
Do We Deserve Each Other!

Kimber Michaela 2012

~A Partner


A partner
is someone who is in front of you
to make sure your protected.
A partner
is someone who is by your side waiting
for whatever may come.
A partner
is someone who is behind you
ready to wrap their arms around
you and pull you back in their embrace.
A partner
loves you unconditionally.
A partner
know things will not always be perfect
but if they are worth it, thing will be resolved.
A partner
lets you have your space as you do them.
A partner
holds your hand and wipes the tears away.
A partner
is the first person you call to celebrate a victory or great news
A partner
is someone you share your days and nights with.
A partner
is someone who helps out and shares the burden
of what happens.
A partner
will subsitute and understand but will
never try to take another’s place.
A partner
is there when you take your last breath
and knows they will see you again.
A partner
makes the circle of life complete.

Kimber Michaela 2012
the picture to some is different of what’s be said-
but it shows how important a relationship is.
2 gentlemen Steve and Sean told my Mom
I needed to have this published.
Here we are, hope your proud as they are.
My step dad was a pilot so the fighter jets
are a tribute to him I guess.