The final moment


He didn’t want her there, much less hold his hand.
They told her it was the state of his condition, but
she knew they didn’t understand.
She wasn’t apart of this, why change it now.
Her heart was shattering with every tear that fell
from inside the room.
As she stepped on the elevator she gave one last look.
She knew the minute she stepped out in the cold of the night
he’d taken his final breath.
But why and sorry wouldn’t mean anything now.
She had told her, I want you to have this and tucked the
envelope in her bag as they talked in the hall.
As she looked out the airplane window in the darkness of the night,
it would be a long flight home, but now she would have comfort.
His mom had given her a snapshot of memories, along with the
dog tags that had rested around his neck.
Thanking wasn’t the right words for the greatest gift a
woman can be given, giving her the son I didn’t get
to keep and what she couldn’t have.

2015  Kimber Michaela


“Carpe Diem”


Seize the day- Life is moving along, don’t waste you have!!!
This is the left inside of my arm. I did it after my mom died in 2012,she
wasn’t to keen on tattoos, thou I reminded her she had permanent makeup
which is a form of tattoos.
My old boss raised an eyebrow its a great motivator, but did I have to tattoo
on my arm*rolling eyes* he meant well.
I did it so I would see it at all times, with me and I guess with many others
the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” I have 5 bulletin boards in my file room
slash office at work. Things might be layered, but its still there.
So I remind everyone “Carpe Diem”  Life is short!!!!!

2016 Kimber Michaela

Steel and Ink


A former co worker said I was approaching 48 that I should act more adult, as in taking out
my eyebrow piercing, while my mom knew back*mumbled years* I was getting it done. She was kind of happy at the nudging and her health had been going down so I did.
As you can see just over the frame of my sunglasses, I get it redone!!!  Might I say by the same guy who did it *pause* 14yrs ago.

This is what I went in forme-new-tat-jeep20160903_133321

An author can end a sentence with a period, or they can continue it on with a semi-colon.
I am the author and this is my life and I’m not done yet.
Believe me I confused many at work and some just *rolled their eyes* and says its just  part of my weirdness. Hell normal is overrated!!!

The semi-colon project is about mental illness, depression, suicide awareness and life.
Its a way to let everyone know- our story isn’t over yet.

So, that was my rebel saturday labor day weeknd!!!!

My third tat will there be more– laughing out laugh!!

July Calendar Rewind


ok, this is only 2 months back!!
First time in San Diego, weather was perfect (let me tell you when the pilot told us
how hot it was as we landed at home, the whole plane groaned) Everybody was so nice.
This was my first RWA conference, you see the trend this year. All the talent  from the romance industry that was under the roof of the Marriott  Marquis Marina, was insane!!!

First timers got a special ribbon!! Nice and bright!!!


Yeap, this is who’s at the other end of the monitor *little cyber wave*

It was crazy, busy, and fun going to all the workshops. Many of the writer’s from RT were there also. I’m glad I got the audio of the workshops, my note taking kind of sucks as I have gotten older.
I walked to the USS Midway from the hotel and I didn’t need to rest any place. I hadn’t done my treadmill prior to the trip so I wasn’t sure ,I do a lot of computer paperwork at day job. I put my toes in the sand at Coronado beach. Found a place called the Upstart Crow bookstore. It had lots of goodies, that may have made there way in my luggage!!!!rwa-2016-011This will be the 1st of many RWA conferences I plan to attend. Its a group that I am proud and honored to be a part of.
Going to put all that great advise, and knowledge to good work.

Believe me I went on and on about this trip when I got back- we have a saying in our family about going on and on like a drunk robin- let me tell you my robin was drunk *big smile*


Calendar Rewind


Yeah, I know it was April, but being timely- Hell that isn’t working so well-lol
I was never a big reader growing up, until a co worker in the 90’s handled me a book,
by Donna Boyd “The Passion” my love of wolf shifters and paranormal was born
and my bookshelves are evidence to that, and many other genres along the way.
This was my first RT and its geared more to readers, but I learned alot at the workshops.
I flew in Thursday morning, and crammed 4 workshops that day, I would head back to
Harrah’s and I did the back and forth Friday. Saturday was the big book fair over 400 authors, we started to line up at 7:30am and the doors opened at 11- loyal readers we are.
Its nice to be able to thank the writers for being inspiration for those just starting out,
the escape their stories provide if only for 400pgs.
I know there was MANY fan girl moments in that room, even the writer’s say they get them. I got to meet the author who kept my love of paranormal going the one and only Christine Feehan.  I weaved in and out of rows as everyone else did.  As I headed to exit, I  saw someone who had just walked in, I paused, smiled and  I knew who it was I said have a great day, she said you too. It would be a matter of a few seconds, before the room would erupt like Time Squares on New Yrs. Eve. E L James (Fifty Shades of Grey) had just walked and I wished  her a great day!
It was quite a trip to say the least.

Thank you to all the author’s and readers who made it a great experience.