Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Valentines Day!!
Shit, I’ve missed all kinds of well wishes, events to All.
I apologize to Everyone!

While I was away I’ve gone down 2 jean sizes *yeah me*
by the end of last year!!

What did I do, well having 5 teeth pulled on the bottom
all at the same time, makes your eating menu a bit spare.
eat on the through it. I have an out not fear of the dentist.

The other thing is Stress its a wonderful motivator!
The last 4-5 months of 2018  was a Cluster  F of so many things!!
My bi-polar doctor quit practicing abruptly, due to health reasons.
She had looked very tired the last year, but she was devoted to us
her patients, and pushed until she couldn’t. I have been with her for
11 years. Finding someone who took new patients and panic about
getting meds to hold me till I found another. I tell you this because
some of what I have written was during this time, it explains.

But the major thing, is that I am a leaper before I look! Run with my
heart and my brain runs to catch up and nine times out of ten. It
doesn’t get their in time but before crap happens. I’ve done it
more things then I care of count over the years.
I miss read a situation,that caused a long list of chaos.
When your in the middle of all of it, you can’t see all.


Their not around, but seeing what was going on. Still is a bit
raw, some of my writing during the last of the year is the
emotions spilling on the page.  Writing is therapy for me
it always has been.

So 2019 has started out bumpy, with my job and getting through
what dragged me down those last months. So I’m working to it being better.



So well see how it all goes.

© 2019 Kimber Michaela

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